Sunday, August 21, 2011


You can always ''tell a Marine''.........
But you usually cant tell them

Wayne my friend. What would My Navy do without our Marines? Us sailors would be lost. Whom would guard our gangways while we are in port? Everyone knows that there are ''Gangway Gangs'' going around stealing gangways to keep Sailors from going ashore to steal their ladies.
Who would ''watch the gate'' to the bases. I personally know of several incidences where the Main Gate at N.O.B. Norfolk was actually stolen because we didnt have our Marines on guard. And never in the history of the Navy has a ''chow line'' came up missing when we had a Marine guarding it. And you know there is a black market group that will pay dearly for good ''chow line''.......
Seriously my brother. Our Marines are an essential part of My Navy. You, as a Marine, are a part of the finest, best trained, best equipped, fighting force the world has ever known. I say this not to demean any of the other branches of military of any stripe or color or service to this great nation because I know that each and every service person thinks their branch is the best and I honor their opinion. My opinion is of course ''slanted'' because I am second generation Navy and I deem it an honor to have served the U.S. NAVY and this great nation.
It is not generally known but I actually was going to join the Marine Corps. I went up to the Marine recruiter and when the Marine recruiter found out I could read big words and do complicated math and that I knew the alphabet all the way through and could feed myself with a fork he handed me over to the Navy recruiter cause I are ''snart''... ''PING''..gotcha.
Be safe my Marine brother and God bless your for your service to this great nation .....
FYI .... Looks like our Alaska trip is off this year. A couple of weeks ago I had some chest pains and Willa had me hauled up to the hospital for tests. (that was the third time so far) They did a heart ''cath'' and said they wanted to do further tests the first of June to determine if I needed a Pace Maker or a ''Defib'' thingie stuck in my chest to keep the old ''ticker'' humming. Time will tell on this but it could be four to six weeks before I can lift anything over ten pounds and that means I cant unload my boat and I will have to squat to ''peee'' for a while ...(lol)... Anyhow, me and Willa discussed it and we decided to cancel Alaska and just goof around in the lower 48 this summer. Probably do a lot of fishin' at the coast after my slack time. Maybe ride up to Maine and ''eat a Big Red Bug''.
Seajay the sailor man ......
God bless our troops and bring them home safe and very soon
God bless our vets for their service to this great nation .....

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