Sunday, August 21, 2011


Many thanks for your kind words concerning my post about ''Dieing Rich''. I think what I am trying to say is that ''Life'' is seldom as we ''plan it''. I know ''Life'' has seldom followed a plan for me very long and I suspect it is about the same for most everyone. Uncontrollable events push us off course and the ''luck of the draw'' will most of the time affect your life in a way you never planned. I hope I am not the only one that has asked himself if I am making the right decision. I have often pondered just what would have happened ''IF'' I had done something different with my life as it advanced. Things so simple and really stupid as not going to Wall Mart that day and meeting My Willa by chance. Or was it ''by chance''?????? Was it planned by a higher power or simply the ''luck of the draw'' that we met and we both were lonely people that had lost a spouse and needed another to make our life complete again. Such is life and the wonderment of it.........
To be honest I firmly believe that ''Life'' is one day long and no more. Think about it.... Yesterday is gone. We can remember it, think about it, profit by any mistake we made yesterday and try not to screw up as bad making the same mistake again. ''Yesterday I was looking under my coach and you put your knee in a big pile of dog pooooooh. Yuckie …... I will try not to do that again Tomorrow. We can profit from Yesterday but we can not change it.......

Tomorrow is not here yet unless you live in Australia and its already ''Tomorrow'' over there........ The best we can do is plan for tomorrow, hope for tomorrow, save for tomorrow and watch out for ''dog poooooooh'' when we look under the coach and know this for sure. For some of us, maybe me and possibly you, THERE IS NO TOMORROW.........(kinda scary aint it?)

All you really got is ''TODAY''......... Yep, good old ''TODAY''. One more opportunity to get it right. One more opportunity to really love that special someone that you are sharing your life with and to tell that special person that you ''LOVE THEM WITH ALL YOUR BEING''.....
One more opportunity to get it right and forgive an old enemy that has insulted or cheated you in some way. If ''hate'' would kill, I would have left a lot of dead bodies along the road of life. All are forgiven now for I have not the time or energy to hate anymore.
One more opportunity to get it right and make another friend or to do something nice for a total stranger and expect nor want anything in return for what you did except that good warm ''fuzzy'' feeling you get by sharing with someone less fortunate than yourself even if it is nothing more than giving a fellow motorest a ''break'' in the line of traffic. Something so simple yet so rewarding for your inner peace.
One more opportunity to get it right and to have enough friends to carry you to your grave sight.
One more opportunity to get it right and hope no one ''tinkles'' on your grave stone and is glad that your sorry butt is stone dead.....
One more opportunity to get it right and ''not put your knee in the dog poooh when you look under your coach again''.......
In my humble opinion we got one shot at this life guys, one try to get it right and I believe we only have one day to do it in.
Be safe and I hope I see each and everyone of you tomorrow.

Thanks again for the kind words …

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